Highlights of the Cedar Party Platform
Source: http://cedarparty.ca
Arts and Culture
We believe in supporting local arts creation through allocation of scarce resources to as many up and coming creators as possible rather than giving gifts out to a select few. By engaging members of the vibrant arts and cultural communities, we believe we can provide support in a more meaningful and relevant manner. We believe in protecting the irreplaceable cultural venues, large and small, of our fine city.
Planning and Community
Neighbourhood plans created over many years will be brought back as guides.
We believe new community services be funded by development fees from housing/commercial development and that public services (community centres, parks, etc.) be built alongside construction of large projects (e.g. the proposed Oakridge mall redevelopment).
Our Real Estate planning department will take a backseat to the bigger picture and much more important “OVERALL PLANNING” which will look at the relationships and repercussions of all major projects from a neighbourhood centric view rather than a developer’s profit and loss statement.
Protection of our City Assets & Heritage buildings; whether or not they are classified as such presently, will receive the strongest protection possible.
Cedar will protect the most affordable rental housing such as basement suites, older multi-suite homes and apartment blocks.
Cedar will give incentives for retaining and protecting buildings of community and heritage value.
Use pre existing neighbourhood developed plans that were created prior to 2006, in order to help guide us as we transfer power from developers back to the people.
Cedar will protect neighbourhood character.